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March 2023 Staff Birthday Party


       The company has always adhered to the pursuit of the material and spiritual happiness of all employees, while holding up the professional sense of testing machine personnel, and contributing to the world of Chinese testing machines as the company's mission. Strengthen the construction of "family" culture. The company arranges a birthday party for all partners every month. Birthdays are especially meaningful days for many people, and there are always some new expectations and wishes on this day! Let's walk into the scene of the new birthday party in 2023!



Our short monthly get-together gathers our joy! In the "big family" of Sansi Eternal, I hope that everyone can feel the warmth of home, and everyone will go to work happily and go home safely;--General Manager Xiong always sends blessings to the birthday stars!



On behalf of the company, Mr. Li of the sales department presented birthday gifts to the birthday stars:

The birthday stars made their own testimonials:



In March, everything recovers, willows and flowers are red, and the earth recovers one by one. The smiling faces of our friends here today are as beautiful as the endless flowers that bloom in spring. Not only do we have a sumptuous dinner but also a fiery game, let's take us to the game with applause.

Game: We put a bottle of drink in the middle of the table, the music starts us revolve around the friends, and the music stops. Whoever the drink falls to will speak and send birthday wishes with an idiom with numbers!

There are many idioms of blessing, smooth sailing, good luck, prosperity in all seasons, etc., and happiness surrounds us.

Time flies so fast, after a few rounds of games, our time is not early, let's have dinner together with a warm mood of happiness and joy!






Everyone toasts and wishes the birthday stars in unison: Happy birthday! This concludes the birthday party in March!
Xinbiao Instrument