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Pendulum impact testing machine

ZBC7501C microcomputer-based plastic impact testing machine
ZBC7501C microcomputer-based plastic impact testing machine
Equipment description: ZBC7501C microcomputer-type plastic impact testing machine is a new generation of plastic pendulum impact testing machine independently developed by our company. Better meet the user's requirements.
ZBC7151C microcomputer-type plastic pendulum impact testing machine、
ZBC7151C microcomputer-type plastic pendulum impact testing machine、
Equipment description: The microcomputer-type plastic impact testing machine is a new generation of plastic pendulum impact testing machine independently developed by our company.
ZBC1400C microcomputer type plastic pendulum impact testing machine
ZBC1400C microcomputer type plastic pendulum impact testing machine
Equipment description: The microcomputer-type plastic pendulum impact testing machine is a testing instrument for the performance test of non-metallic materials such as plastics, nylon, hard rubber, glass steel...
ZBC1251C microcomputer-type plastic pendulum impact testing machine
ZBC1251C microcomputer-type plastic pendulum impact testing machine
Equipment description: The microcomputer-based plastic impact testing machine is a testing instrument for testing the impact resistance of non-metallic materials such as plastics, nylon, rubber, fiberglass, composite plastic pipes...
Xinbiao Instrument